It is hard to believe Carter is 2 years old today! It seems like he was just born. Carter has been through so much in his short life. You would never know he has had over 30 surgeries and has spent months in the hospital. Carter absolutely loves life! Some of his favorite things are...
Throwing balls (or anything he can find)
Rocking with Mama in the recliner
Dancing to any music he hears
Jumping (stomping his feet :))
Spanking Da-dee
Being a helper by taking things to Da-dee
Wearing shoes (he sometimes takes a nap in his shoes because he throws such a fit if I take them off. I refuse to let him sleep in them at night :))
Barking like our dogs
Climbing onto anything
Opening and shutting our cabinets
Cleaning the floor (he brushes everything away with his hands)
Helping Mommy sweep the floor
Anything with wheels
Anything that involves water
Giving aww-wee's (he lays his head on my legs and says aww-wee)
ANYTHING that involves Veggie Tales. He would Watch Veggie Tales all day if I would let him.
Carter is still not really talking, although he has started making sounds and his singing has returned :). His vocabulary consist of..
Mama (usually Maaa!)
I want my Mama
He can sign jump, I love you, more and we are working on thank you and please.